January 9, 1968 - March 23, 1970
ABC Spy Thriller Drama
66 Episodes
Alexander Mundy: | Robert Wagner |
Noah Bain: | Malachi Throne |
Wallie Powers: | Edward Binns |
Alister Mundy: | Fred Astaire |

Alexander Mundy was a cat burgler and professional thief
who had style, class, and great talent. He had made only
one mistake--getting caught. While serving a sentence in San
Jobel Prison, he was constacted by representatives of a
U.S. Government spy agency, the SIA. They offered to get
him out if he would put his talents to work stealing for the
government. Accepting the offer, he worked closely with an
SIA department head, Noah Bain, who was his boss, aide,
associate, friend, and watchdog. Filmed throughout Europe,
It Takes A Thief saw Al Mundy on various assignments as a
master thief for the SIA, romancing beautiful women, and
generally being his relaxed, handsome, debonair self.

At the start of the secon season there were a few changes in
the show's format. Whereas previously Mundy had been
under house arrest while on assignment, he was now a free
agent. His SIA contact had become Wallie Powers, and his
father became a semi-regular. Al's father was the retired
thief from whom he had learned all his skills, and who
occasionally teamed with his son on special jobs.

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Episode Guide
From EpGuides.com
It Takes A Thief
From TV.com
Robert Wagner
From Wikipedia
It Takes A Thief
From The Internet Movie Database
These links were last tested June 2014.
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